Healthy and Sustainable

Health and tomatoes: low-calorie recipes

Healthy and Sustainable

Beware of dehydration

Hydration is very important for our organism all year round, not just in summer. However, many people aren’t used to drinking water unless they are thirsty, and it...

Healthy and Sustainable

Beware of wine and alcoholic beverages

Less is more! This recommendation has never been so spot on. Alcoholic beverages cause more problems than benefits, but a moderate use is both tolerated and recommended. It...

Healthy and Sustainable

Cooking with the grill and BBQ

Not everything that is traditional is healthy, for example, cooking on a grill is the most ancient method of cooking, but it presents risks that should not be...

Healthy and Sustainable

Eating well to sleep better and not gain weight

Everyone knows that sleep is essential for our health, that a truly restful sleep improves our psychomotor performance during the day, but many do not know that it...

Healthy and Sustainable

Beware the empty calories

Do you magically find yourself weighing a few extra pounds? How is it possible to gain weight without noticing? The answer is likely to be found in your...

Healthy and Sustainable

How can you understand if your child is overweight?

The American Heart Association bans sweet soda drinks and junk food, while Europe adheres to the "Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative" launched by the WHO. At global level, childhood...

Healthy and Sustainable

Halloween Party

“Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat, I want something good to eat! Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat, Give me something nice and sweet! Give me candy and...

Healthy and Sustainable

Be careful of sugar

It is easy to eat too much sugar: it is the first taste we appreciate as children and we have to educate our taste to understand the others....

Healthy and Sustainable

Nutrition and the brain at all ages

What we eat can make us more intelligent, sharp and attentive, from when we are very young (still in a mother’s womb) until when we are old. The...

Healthy and Sustainable

Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks

We should eat five meals a day: besides breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is healthy to eat a snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Splitting up food intake throughout the...

Healthy and Sustainable


Cerere, Goddess of the earth and fertility, taught the ancient Romans how to raise crops; as a sign of their gratitude they named after her that treasure called...

Healthy and Sustainable

Frying correctly

Fried food is always very tasty and a favorite among adults and children. It is a common belief that fried food is fattening, poorly digested and unhealthy, causing...

Healthy and Sustainable

Mindful Eating

Instinct and gut are often associated one with the other to describe a gut feeling, the natural and primal instinct. It is more than just a figure of...

Healthy and Sustainable


Lipids, or fats, which are present in most animal-based and plant-based foods, are essential for the human body. They are the most effective energy reserve: one gram of...

Healthy and Sustainable

Summer Fancy Food 2016

From 26th to 28th June, New York became the capital of taste with the “Summer Fancy Food Show” event organized by the Specialty Food Association of which Pomì...

Healthy and Sustainable


Do you know why fish is good for your health? The balanced nutrition guidelines recommend eating three portions of fish a week (about 600 grams). There are those...

Healthy and Sustainable

Olive Oil

In the Mediterranean diet, olive oil is the condiment par excellence: it is used both raw and for cooking, and nutritional experts recommend a certain daily amount to...

Healthy and Sustainable


Without vitamins, our body would not be able to perform vital functions. The deficiency of required vitamins in our metabolic system can cause malnutrition; massive doses of some...