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Risotto-style pasta is a slow cooking method, traditionally used for rice, so why use it for other types of food? Let's find out...

Cooking ideas: how to make risotto-style pasta

Risotto-style pasta makes it possible to cook perfect "al dente" pasta with a great mix of flavors.

Risotto-style pasta is one of the tastiest ways to cook pasta because the amino acid released during cooking mixes with the sauce, creating a sort of cream that blends together all the flavors and aromas.

In this way you can make a delicious dish full of flavor and fragrance, without adding condiments that are fat, like cream and butter. So, a better, lighter pasta!

Making risotto-style pasta is easy

1. First prepare the sauce in the pan.

2. Boil the pasta for half the time indicated.

3. Drain the pasta with a skimmer, keeping the boiling water.

4. Pour the pasta into the pan and finish cooking it at low heat.

5. Mix the ingredients adding the cooking water as needed. 

If you use short pasta, skip the second passage and cook the pasta directly in the pan, with the addition of broth or salted water depending on the chosen recipe. 

Mixing: the secret of perfect risotto-style pasta.

You can mix the pasta in the same way as risotto.
Once you turn off the heat, add the fat, oil or cold butter, cooking water, if needed, and let rest. 

After 2/4 minutes, begin to mix with rapid and circular movements - creating a wave - like this you will create an even creamier mix that will make the dish truly succulent. 

Try it to believe it!



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