40 min Hard

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Fresh, creamy and thick: the original taste of a great classic always ready to be used. Strained Tomato Sauce is one of the most used ingredients in cooking because it is easy and fast, ideal to prepare any type of dish: meat, eggs, pasta, creams and creamy soups. Strained tomatoes are perfect for recipes that call for pureed tomatos!

40 min
Ingredients for
Strained Tomatoes 700g 250 ml
Agar Agar 1 g teaspoon
Eggs 1
Flour 300 g
Purple potatoes 1 kg
Salt qb
Soft Goat cheese 400 g
Tabasco sauce as desired

In a pot, bring salted water to the boil and place the potatoes in it, unpeeled. Cook for 15 minutes. Drain and let cool or rinse them under cold water. Peel the potatoes and mash them with a fork or a vegetable-mill.

On a cutting or pastry board, pour the flour forming a little mountain with a hole in the middle (Fountain Method) and break an egg in it, subsequently adding salt and mashed potatoes. Knead the mixture for a few minutes, until it is homogeneous and elastic, the potatoes are no longer sticky and your hands are dry.  Now make cylindrical stripes of dough (thick as the little finger) and cut them in c. 2 cm-long pieces. Press each of them with a fork or your fingers, to obtain a round, hollow shape. Let rest for 20 minutes so they become more compact.

Bring Pomì L+ to the boil, season with salt, pepper and Tabasco sauce, add Agar Agar (after melting in little water), then transfer the mixture in a very shallow tray (1 cm) and let rest in the fridge. When ready, cut it in small cubes (half the size of the Gnocchi). 

Now boil Gnocchi in generous salted water and once drained, sauté them in a pan with a little butter.  Arrange the dish like this: place the jelly cubes and the goat cheese to forma a chessboard (if the goat cheese is too soft use a sac a poche) and lay the sautéed Gnocchi in the middle.