15 min Medium

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Fresh, creamy and thick: the original taste of a great classic always ready to be used. Strained Tomato Sauce is one of the most used ingredients in cooking because it is easy and fast, ideal to prepare any type of dish: meat, eggs, pasta, creams and creamy soups. Strained tomatoes are perfect for recipes that call for pureed tomatos!

15 min
Ingredients for 4 people
Puree de tomates 700g 200 g
Fresh Seitan 8 escalopes or 720 g
Mozzarella 2 x 100 g
Sweet Potatoes 400 g

Sauté the seitan in an oiled non-stick pan and let it turn to a golden-brownish colour, then place it on an oven tray (before lay oven paper on it) and dress with cooked Pomì Rustic Sauce and some Mozzarella cubes.
Finely slice the potatoes, put them on an oven tray with Extra Virgin Olive (EVO) Oil, salt and pepper and cook them for 20 minutes at 180°. When the first 10 minutes have passed you can put also the seitan tray in the oven, finally having both the trays ready.
Serve with some thyme leaves and raw EVO oil.