
Casalasco - Società Agricola S.p.A.: the first food company to achieve the social footprint certification.

Thanks to this project, we can share with you the information related to the social impact of our tomato products across the entire supply chain, from the field to the finished product, because to ensure respect for the right of those who work for us and with us is paramount for our Company.
Health, respect, legality, long-lasting relationships: these are the ingredients of a good product, from every point of view.
Social Footprint is the first certification that assesses the social footprint of a product across the entire supply chain and allows consumers to choose with increasing awareness while considering also the "human" aspects. Please, browse below the detailed Label related to the “Social Footprint – Product Social Identity” certification.


Social Footprint information - detailed level AAA


Organization: Big company

Legal Head Office:
– address: Strada Provinciale 32
– town: Rivarolo del Re
– province: CR
– region: Lombardia
– country: Italia

– e-mail: info@pomionline.it
– telephone number: 0375 536211
– site: www.pomionline.it

The Company obtained the SFP Certification in April 2016. It supports the principles of the Global Compact, is registered with Sedex Platform and undergoes monitoring on social responsability such as SMETA audits and other ethical standard from customers. Since 2018 the company has reported environmental, social and economic results through the Sustainability Report, a document drawn up on the basis of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative).


Company human resources

Data updated to December 31, 2020

Total number of workers: 1843
of which employed with open-ended contract: 337
of which employed with closed contracts (temporary + seasonal workers + office employees): 1506

Permanent workers on total workers: 18%

Gender of workers:
men: 54%
women: 46%

Of which
employed with open-ended contract: 62% men – 38% women
workers with closed contracts (office employees): 25% men – 75% women
employed with closed contracts (temporary workers): 58% men  42% women
employed with closed contracts (seasonal workers): 48% men – 52% women

Average age of workers: 37 years
Of which
employed with open-ended contract: 45 years
workers with closed contracts (office employees): 44 years
employed with closed contracts (temporary workers): 40 years
employed with closed contracts (seasonal workers): 29 years

Number of workers for age range:
below 18 years old: 0%
18-29 years old: 41%
30-39 years old: 16%
40-50 years old: 21%
over di 50 years old:  22%

* The Company repudiates child labor and is committed in the abolition of child and minor labor along the whole supply chain.

Working seniority:
≤ 2 years: 57%
> 2 ≤10 years: 29%
>10 ≤ 20 years: 10%
>20 years: 4%

Citizenship of workers:
Italy: 74%
UE: 2%
Extra UE: 24%

Of which
of which employed with open-ended contract: Italy 95,8%, UE 0,6%, extra UE 3,6%.
of which employed with closed contracts (temporary + seasonal workers + office employees): Italy 70%, UE 2%, extra UE 28%.

Number of workers for educational status range:
uneducated 4,5%
elementary or middle school degree 37,8%
high school degree 49,5%
University or vocational degrees 8,2%

Activity of workers:
Manual processing activity (*): 13,4%
Auxiliary activity to automated or mechanic process: 78,5%
Office activity: 8,1%
*Activity of quality selection of tomato in line. Not automatable.

Injuries and occupational diseases:
minor injuries (< 40gg): 42
serious injuries (> 40gg): 7

Total: 49

In year 2020 no occupational diseases were reported.

Number of initiatives of conciliation between family and working life:  none

Average annual working hours for open-ended contract worker: 1757,83
Average annual working hours for closed-contract worker (temporary and seasonal): 691,06

Number of training hours on Health&Safety for worker: 2,5

Working hours:
Production: 06-14 / 14-22 / 22-06
Offices: 8-12 / 14-18

Company suppliers:

Total number of suppliers: 644

Suppliers location:

Italy 99,3%
UE 0,5%
Extra UE 0,2%

Monitored suppliers: 48%

Suppliers with turnover mainly deriving from Company

Suppliers of production processes:

Number 4 of 40


Italy 100%
UE 0%
Extra 0%

Number of workers: 50

Gender of workers

Men 98%
Women 2%

Tomato suppliers:

Number  117 di 558


Italy 100%
UE 0%
Extra UE 0%

See Pomì products list and download their SFP label: