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Black Lasagna with Squid Ragu

30 min
Reccomended Product
Organic Tomato Puree
300 ml
Pomì - Italian quality tomatoes
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Black Lasagna with Squid Ragu

30 min
Ingredients (4 people)
  • Eggs 4
  • Flour 400 g
  • Garlic 1 clover
  • Pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Squid ink 2 little bags
  • Squids 1 not too big - 240g
  • White wine 1 glass

Dilute the squid ink directly in beaten eggs, add flour and knead well. Roll the dough out not too thin and cut 15 cm squares, then boil them in salted water and drain.

Dice the squid very small and sauté in hot oil with minced garlic. Add some white wine and when it has reduced, add Pomì organic tomato puree and cook. Season to taste and compose the dish in layers, alternating Lasagna and squid Ragu.

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