20 min Easy

Recommended product

Recommended product

Pomì L+ 500g

300 ml

From Pomì research L+ was born: a new Tomato Sauce with innovative organoleptic characteristics, richer in lycopene. Lycopene, found in great quantities in tomatoes, in addition to being a pigment, and thus responsible for the red color, is a guarantee of natural density and fragrance. Pomì L+ is perfect to prepare any type of dish.

20 min
Ingredients for 4 people
Pomì L+ 500g 300 ml
Black pepper to taste
Brown shrimps 12
Bucatini pasta 400 gr
Cooking cream 125 ml
Curry to taste
Extra-virgin olive oil to taste
Onion ½
Salt to taste

As the water boils, chop the onion and sauté it in a pan with a hint of extra-virgin olive oil.
Add the brown shrimps (previously cleaned) and sear them for 30/40 seconds, then sprinkle with curry and let it season for a few seconds. At this point add the cooking cream together with Pomì L+ and let it cook for 10 minutes.
Add salt and pepper as desired. Dress the cooked bucatini and serve.