
Fasting: When and why it is good for you

There are many discordant opinions on fasting, but new studies confirm that abstaining from food temporarily is very positive for our overall health.

Fasting: When and why it is good for you

There are many discordant opinions on fasting, but new studies confirm that abstaining from food temporarily is very positive for our overall health.

Several researchers at the University of California believe that if we reduced the intake of calories by up to 40% we could improve our metabolic activity and live longer.

Not everyone is willing to give up the daily physical and intellectual pleasure that comes from food.
Temporary fasting can come to our aid, to keep both our shape and health intact.

Why fasting is good for you

Abstaining from food for 24 hours has a whole range of positive consequences for our body:

- it reduces inflammations

- it improves the immune response

- it helps cells to eliminate waste substances  

- it encourages the formation of new neurons

- it enables the liver to draw on the sugar reserves and release them in the form of ketones, distributing energy to the muscles and brain

Many doctors and nutritionists recommend fasting once a week, or at least from 12 to 16 hours consecutively, to enjoy these benefits.

Our body is a perfect machine.
If it is not nourished for 16/24 hours, it looks for the substances it needs in the reserves accumulated in organs or tissues and transforms them into energy without alterations and damage.

When to fast

You can fast to abstain from any toxic substance (cigarette smoke, polluted, noisy environments, etc.) and dedicate the day completely to yourself.
Consequently, the ideal moment is during the weekend.

Some nutritionists recommend fasting when you feel bloated, when you are experiencing problems with digestion, tiredness, lowering of immune defenses and during seasonal changes.

When if fasts, the body eliminates excess waste, triglycerides, cholesterol, fat, free radicals; we need to sustain it by drinking plenty of water or herbal teas.

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