
Long life with the Mediterranean Diet!

Long life with the Mediterranean Diet!

The Mediterranean Diet reduces the risk of diseases until 25%.

The first theorist of the Mediterranean Diet

The biologist Ancel Kyes – one of the first theorist of the Mediterranean Diet – has lived until 100 years. Just a coincidence? According to one of the last Italian study on the subject, it is not a coincidence!  The Mediterranean Diet reduces the risk of diseases until 25%.  The Mediterranean Diet is one of the healthiest and most balanced diet.

The Moli-Sani Study – recently published in “British Journal of Nutrition” – confirms it: the Mediterranean model is a “life saver”, which keeps diseases away and adds years to your life! (Bonaccio, M., Di Castelnuovo, A., Costanzo, S., Gialluisi, A., Persichillo, M., Cerletti, C., Iacoviello, L. (n.d.). Mediterranean diet and mortality in the elderly: A prospective cohort study and a meta-analysis. British Journal of Nutrition, 1-14. doi:10.1017/S0007114518002179).

The Mediterranean model is a “life saver”

A sample of 25.000 people older than 65

The research was carried out at the Epidemiology and Prevention Department of the Mediterranean Neurological Neuromed Institute - I.R.C.C.S. (Institute for the Recovery and Scientific Care) – in Pozzilli, Molise. Between 2005 and 2013, researchers observed a sample of 25.000 people older than 65, living in the region, and they carried out a meta-analysis on previous epidemiologic studies (about 12.000 people), in order to identify the genetic and environmental factors which cause cardiovascular, degenerative and cancerous diseases.

Mediterranean Diet reduces the mortality risk for all the causes of 25%

At the end, they came to the conclusion that the traditional Mediterranean Diet reduces the mortality risk for all the causes of 25%, in particular for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and stroke.
Extra virgin olive oil and all foods high in monounsaturated fats, like avocado, walnuts and seeds, fish and obviously fruits, vegetables, cereals and legumes are some of the healthiest foods, which protect the organism. “The research – according to Giovanni De Gaetano, president of Neuromed – shows how important it is to follow a healthy diet, even during the third age”.

Therefore, as Ancel Kyes would say “Eat well and stay well”! It is never too late to start eating healthy …

and get your
#chef moment?