
Millennials and Designers love pasta… with tomato sauce

Millennials and Designers love pasta... with tomato sauce. It is confirmed by AIDEPI, the "Associazione delle Industrie del Dolce e della Pasta Italiana"

Millennials and Designers love pasta… with tomato sauce

Millennials and Designers love pasta... with tomato sauce

It is confirmed by AIDEPI, the "Associazione delle Industrie del Dolce e della Pasta Italiana" (The Italian Bakery Industry and Pasta Association) that promotes national gastronomy globally.

The majority of young people aged 15 to 35 - interviewed on the occasion of an AIDEPI-DOXA survey - eats pasta every day, 25% of them even twice a day. A surprising consumption combined with the return to classic dishes and traditions!

Among the most liked dishes: spaghetti pomodoro e basilico (spaghetti with tomato sauce and basil), lasagna and carbonara pasta, the number one dishes for Italians and Americans according to Google Food Trends 2016. Right after, in second place, there are spaghetti with clams and tagliatelle with beef ragout.

But which specialty will survive the trends of the moment?
Millennials are sure about the answer: 42% of them say that spaghetti pomodoro e basilico (spaghetti with tomato sauce and basil) will remain a must!

From the plate to the catwalk

Cultural and gastronomy symbols have gained full access to the world of art and design, inspiring numerous creations. Do you recall the “Campbell’s Tomato Soup” by Andy Warhol or the collection titled “An Italian Theory” presented by Alessandro Enriquez at the Expo 2015?

And the combo Pasta&Pomodoro (Pasta&Tomato) make strides also on the catwalk with the new spring-summer 2017collection by Dolce & Gabbana, characterized by all-Mediterranean flavors and fragrances.
“I could not help being inspired by the dish par excellence: Pasta and Tomato”.

In #TropicoItaliano the couple D&G boasts all symbols of Italian cuisine: penne, spaghetti, giant farfalle, pizza, crabs, lobsters and tomatoes...“True Italian peeled tomatoes” in a vintage package.

Food Fashion under the D&G brand is tasty, extravagant and colorful but also a celebration of Neapolitan and Sicilian culture and folklore accompanied by light notes and irony. Seeing is believing!

As Federico Fellini used to say, “Life is a combination of magic and pasta!”…with tomato sauce, though!

and get your
#chef moment?