When you are expecting, its necessary to follow a healthy, balanced diet that fosters the mother's well-being and the baby's healthy development under the advice of a trusted doctor who will follow the mother during this happy journey.
The diet for pregnancy
Following the recommendations of an expert in regards to the diet, understood as an eating style, is important since one must eat for two (… or for three!).
We've consulted The WebMD experts, who suggest eating 300 more calories, and eating a wide variety of foods to absorb the necessary nutrients for one's well-being.
Among the recommended nutrients, foods rich in:
Folic acid: green leafy vegetables and legumes
Calcium: milk, Greek yogurt and dairy products
Iron: lean meat, cereals, beans and spinach
Fibers: fruit, vegetables, whole wheat, cereals, beans, rice
Omega 3: Polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as cod and nuts
Vitamins and Minerals: Fresh and Seasoned Fruits and Vegetables, better if organic
Vitamin A: apricots, melon, carrots, turnip tops, beets, sweet potatoes, spinach, pumpkins
Vitamin C (80-85 mg per day): citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, cabbage, green peppers and tomatoes
How to do it!
Limit sweet and fat foods, without it becoming an obsession.
Stress - both physical and mental - are absolutely banned!
The phrases you will have to repeat like a mantra will be:
> Reduce to a minimum the sources of stress!
> Avoid situations that cause stress!
> Spend free time in good company and outdoors!
> Enjoy physical activity every day!
Exercise during pregnancy
The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (Acog) recommends 30 minutes a day of moderate physical exercise.
While expecting, the recommended activities are many, so you will be spoiled for choice, but with caution and without exaggeration!
Yoga, avoiding the most difficult asanas, or Pilates
Walking: it puts the entire body into motion and lightens the thoughts
Swimming: it works the muscles, protecting joints and ligaments
Stretching: to lengthen the muscles, relieve tension, relieve stress
“I usually am of the idea that pregnant women should not read books about pregnancy
and childbirth. Their time is too precious ... they should, rather, watch the moon and
sing for their baby in the womb. "
Michel Odent