
Healthy and Sustainable


Here are some natural suggestions to prevent bloating and favor digestion!

Prevent bloating and favor digestion

Here are some natural suggestions to prevent bloating and favor digestion!

Often poor digestion can cause sleepiness and bloating.
If it is also associated with an unvaried diet full of high protein foods and a sedentary lifestyle. Apart from bloating, it’s all too easy to add on a few too many kilos.

To favor digestion and deflate bloating, it may be enough to adopt a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. If the problem persists it is advisable to consult your doctor or a nutritionist, as what is healthy for one person may be less well tolerated by another, for this it may help to have some intolerance tests done.

A good piece of advice for everyone is to eat slowly, savoring every single mouthful because digestion starts in the mouth! Furthermore, it’s important to:

  • be active and do relaxing exercises to alleviate the stress
  • drink plenty of water, but not fizzy and not too cold
  • eat fruit distant from the main meals
  • begin a meal with a glass of water and a portion of raw seasonal vegetables
  • combine foods in a correct manner (for example no acidic foods and carbohydrates, no starches and protein)
  • favor healthy methods of cooking, such as steam and dressings without too much fat
  • do not skip the main meals and have at least two to keep the metabolism active

Some of the recommended foods: whole-grain cereals, walnuts and vegetables, best if they are in season as they are richer in fiber, vitamins and minerals and are more sustainable from an environmental point of view.
At the end of a meal, relax with a digestive herbal tea, some recommendations are: aniseed, gentian, licorice, rosemary or fennel seed.

And remember, healthy eating does not mean giving up on the pleasures of a delicious meal!
The Mediterranean Diet is a prime example, it is varied and balanced, based on good ingredients that are genuine and rich in flavor.

Here are some recipes that unite health and flavor!



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