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Pappa al Pomodoro

20 min
Reccomended Product
Rustica Tomato Sauce
1 lt
Pomì - Italian quality tomatoes
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Pappa al Pomodoro

20 min
Ingredients (4 people)
  • Basil 1 small bunch
  • Extra virgin olive (EVO) oil as required
  • Garlic 2 clovers
  • Pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Stale bread (at least 3 days old) 300 g
  • Vegetable broth 1 lt

Slice the bread in pieces and soak it in the broth for a few minutes to soften it. Meanwhile prepare the tomato sauce with Pomì rustic sauce and a base of garlic, EVO oil and basil. Once the tomato sauce has cooked, dunk the soaked bread in it and cook until the liquids dry. Serve the Pappa al Pomodoro with a raw EVO oil and some basil leaves.

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