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90 min
Reccomended Product
Strained Tomatoes
100 ml
Pomì - Italian quality tomatoes
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90 min
Ingredients (2 people)
  • Carrot 1
  • Chilli pepper to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil to taste
  • Ginger 30 gr
  • Lime 1
  • Noodles 80 gr
  • Onion ½
  • Parsley to taste
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Water to taste
  1. Start by preparing the broth using the onion, carrot, ginger, freshly chopped chilli pepper, half a lime, parsley, salt and pepper.
  2. Cook in a covered pan on a low flame for 1 hour. Filter the broth thoroughly and add the Pomì Tomato Juice.
  3. In the meantime, cook the noodles in salted boiling water.
  4. Drain the noodles, add them to a bowl, pour in the flavoured broth and garnish with fresh ingredients.

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