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Seitan and grilled finferli mushrooms with tomato juice reduction

25 min
Reccomended Product
Strained Tomatoes
to taste
Pomì - Italian quality tomatoes
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Seitan and grilled finferli mushrooms with tomato juice reduction

25 min
Ingredients (4 people)
  • Black pepper q.b.
  • Extra-virgin olive oil q.b.
  • Large finferli mushrooms 4
  • Salt to taste
  • Seitan 8 slices
  • Vegetable broth q.b.
  • Whole grain spelt flour q.b.

Roll the seitan slices in flour and sauté them in the pan, 2 minutes per side, in warm oil, adding salt and pepper.
Then add one ladleful of vegetable broth and cook for 5 minutes until a sauce is formed. After this, clean the finferli mushrooms and cut them in two so to obtain 8 parts. Grill the finferli mushrooms on a griddle or alternatively in a pan, then add salt and pepper.

On a baking tray form small "towers" layering the ingredients as follows: seitan, finferli, seitan, finferli.
Bake the "turrets" in the oven for about five minutes at 170 C (340F). Meanwhile, bring to a boil a cup of Pomì Tomato Juice: once boiling turn off the heat and salt and pepper. In a separate bowl, dissolve 10 grams of potato starch in two fingers of cold water. Let the potato starch dissolve well and then pour it into the tomato juice until a cream is formed. If the result is not sufficiently dense, gradually add some more starch. Place the seitan and finferli "towers" on each plate with the tomato juice reduction.

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