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Yellowfin-tuna Sauce Spelt with Fried Sage

25 min
Reccomended Product
Organic Tomato Puree
300 ml
Pomì - Italian quality tomatoes
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Yellowfin-tuna Sauce Spelt with Fried Sage

25 min
Ingredients (4 people)
  • Beer 1 glass
  • Dried pearled spelt 400 g
  • Fresh Yellowfin tuna fish 200 g
  • Sage a few leaves
  • Salt to taste

Stir-fry diced tuna fish in a pan with a garlic clover and a little EVO oil, add the beer and let it steam. Then pour Pomì organic tomato puree and cook for 5 minutes.
Boil the spelt in generous salted water and mix it with the sauce. In another pan, fry some previously-floured sage leaves to decorate the dish. Serve together, with a little raw EVO oil.

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